Jennifer Park is Lecturer in Early Modern English in the School of Critical Studies at the University of Glasgow. She received her B.A. from Yale University and her Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and previously taught at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Her research intersects critical race and the histories of science and medicine to interrogate power, violence, and exploitation in early modern English literature. Her work has been published in Renaissance and Reformation, Studies in Philology, Performance Matters, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching, and, most recently, in Shakespeare Quarterly and the new The Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare and Race (2024), edited by Patricia Akhimie. She is working on a book project that examines how Shakespeare and his contemporaries deployed the language and epistemologies of early modern recipes to craft narratives of racial formation and colonialist justification in English drama. In addition to her research, her public, disciplinary, and pedagogical commitments are deeply informed by the intersections of critical race and anti-racism, trauma-informed pedagogy, and disability justice, areas in urgent need of attention in early modern and Shakespeare studies, higher education, and beyond. 

*Note*: I am currently in recovery from post-COVID syndrome, and I thank you in advance for your patience.

✉︎ jennifer.park[at]